Photo: Daniel Kulinski, Flickr


Redrollers Research specialises in qualitative research that finds creative ways for people to participate and share their lived experiences, struggles, anxieties, goals and dreams. We design a range of methods, research tools and techniques to bring clients closer to the lived experiences of their customers, providing proximity and perspective.

Designing creative activities and materials to be used during the research is a key part of our process. We craft scaffolds to stimulate thinking and help participants remember important aspects of their experiences to optimise our time together.

We create activities to sensitise participants to the rich details of their lives - to pause and reflect on their day-to-day rhythms, practices, what matters most and what they are striving to do.

Immersing in their lives, connecting and making things together is a powerful way to understand people's behaviours and their needs. It helps us connect with their goals and priorities - with what they are looking for, when using a product or service - and with their lives more broadly.

We create scaffolds for generating and building ideas or prototypes to help people articulate and explore possible futures.


Gathering a rich picture of people’s daily lives, their dreams and rituals helps illuminate connections and opportunities for product and service development.


Interviews and observations in homes, offices, libraries and retail spaces and more

With customers, customers and clients, internal stakeholders

Via connected devices, or using standalone video cameras

Affinity groups in context or like-minded individuals in venue


Real time

3-7 days of sharing, comparing and generating together

Self-reporting or participant observation

Sensitising, reflecting, capturing and mapping


Meeting with a diverse range of people and organisations from: kids and teens to grandparents, small business owners through to senior corporate stakeholders, health professionals and wine makers. 

Exploring a wide range of topics such as: health, finances, fashion, communications, sustainability, parenting and wayfinding. 

Reviewing, tagging, scanning and referencing transcripts, videos, photos, drawings, visual maps and storyboards and meticulously synthesising and distilling this information to find meaning. 

Working collaboratively with clients to create design research artefacts such as: personas, user stories, UX goals, scenarios and customer journey maps.


We distill and articulate the core insights, issues, opportunities and future possibilities for our clients.

Our approach includes: